Wildflower Inspiration on the Prairie


I am continually inspired by where I live and how much I love the prairie. I especially look forward to this time of the year when all the wildflowers start popping open.

Every morning as I walk is like a new game unfolding… what species will suddenly be blooming today?

First, Wild Blue Indigo, just yesterday it was Butterfly Milkweed… and today… Echinacea!

This plant has to be the first Kansas wildflower I ever learned. And you’re probably familiar with it and all it’s amazing qualities, most notably it’s healing remedy for sore throats and colds. It’s an effective immunity booster; my husband and I swear by the tincture mentioned in this article by Learning Herbs.


I’ve shared a home with Echinacea for over 30 years now, taken countless portraits, but I don’t remember ever stopping to photograph it in the early stages of growth.


I’m getting a late start in writing this week (long story having to do with technological frustrations), so let me just quietly share this beautiful plant with you…


The color variations are incredible.


Are you seeing the spirals?


This plant continually inspires me; my journal is full of sketches. Someday I hope to do it justice in a tapestry.

But maybe I’m still getting to know it…