Annie Landry, Angry Fish, 10” x 7.5”

Annie’s piece was in the show “Tiny But Mighty” that I wrote about previously. When I contacted her and asked for permission to include it, she sent me several work in progress photos I just had to share. I was blown away at the complexity behind this piece.

She wrote… “ I took the top of the tapestry down to work the lace with the warp ends, then remounted it to the loom. It took around 70 lace bobbins, I had to leave every other warp out and hide them inside the weaving because the lace would have been too dense)…”

Angry Fish tapestry removed from the loom

The warp is pearl cotton and the weft is hand dyed wool mixed with silk and cotton.

Adding the lace section with 70 bobbins.


So inspiring. I look forward to seeing what you do next, Annie!